I like the retro and chiptune feel of this one. The instrumental passages are nice, and the way the drums are sequenced is distinct.
I like the retro and chiptune feel of this one. The instrumental passages are nice, and the way the drums are sequenced is distinct.
I like how mellow, yet eerie this all feels. The speeding up and slowing down adds a unique flavor and contrast to the mellowed out feeling. The drums are appropriate with how slow they feel, and they also have a nice texture to them. Overall a nice, simple, and unique tune.
The guitar melody sounds catchy and the way this new remaster sounds is great.
At first I didn't know what to the think, but the chiptune melody sounds nice and the way this progresses just felt right. The drums are especially interesting with how 8-bit they sound.
WOW!!! I love the chaotic nature of this one. The synths are glitchy and feel in place to what's going on. The drums feel simple and not to overbearing, and I also like how glitchy they feel as well. Nice.
That 808 slaps and the retro melody sounds nice as well. The trap drums sound nice and hit hard as well. Nice beat.
thank you man!
Synths are heavy and deep with how 8-bit and raw they are. This urgent feel helps fuel the energy of this track. Nice.
I like how it all comes together to make what sounds like a peaceful and mellow sound. Everything from the strings and woodwinds sound nice and natural and conveys emotion.