The synths sound bright and lighthearted and I enjoy how the melody sound. The drums have a basic, but necessary feel to them.
The synths sound bright and lighthearted and I enjoy how the melody sound. The drums have a basic, but necessary feel to them.
The guitar riffs are insane and the drums are just going nuts!!!
Thanks for listening!
I like how the synths pitch up and down, and the vocal samples are a nice touch as well. I like how the drums sound almost industrial like with. An overall eccentric and enjoyable track!!!
A noise heavy track with how the synths are played, and the drums are just going ham.
I like how the synths sound upbeat and rounded. The drums as well feel natural and light. A gentle and breezy tune.
Thank you!
A bit on the shorter side, but nonetheless the guitar riffs sound aggressive and nice.
The ambient feel mixed in with that jazz flare is a nice combination. While the drums aren't too in your face, I do like how mellow they are.
word, man. glad you enjoyed it.
The synths have a nice video game flare to them, and the way that the melody's are constructed is distinct and mellow.