The synths are deep and energetic with how it sounds. The EDM drums have a nice pattern to them that feels lively. A bit short, but an overall enjoyable and easy listen.
The synths are deep and energetic with how it sounds. The EDM drums have a nice pattern to them that feels lively. A bit short, but an overall enjoyable and easy listen.
I'd love to be able to make a longer version. I have more sections of the song but the energy is so completely different, I couldn't get them to fit. If I did, it would very much not be the song I originally wanted it to be. I mean, I guess that's okay as long as its good, but I set out to make some typical sounding EDM and I don't want to fail that.
I can't get the song to not sound French.
The guitars sound nice with how distinct and light they feel. The live sounding drums are groovy with how it's sequenced. A nice sort of warm track.
It's a pretty minimal track, but nonetheless the bass hits hard and the trap flavored drums sound groovy enough.
The synths are aggressive and have a thick nature about them that's admirable. The drums have a punchiness that's quite good. It's a bit too long, but overall a nice easy listen.
To achieve this effect, use the "Pro-L" plugin. This perfectly reduces the track, making it more qualitative
The synths sound nice with how abrasive and strong they are. The nature of the drums as well are punchy and smooth. The mix could be better, but a solid tune.
I'm enjoying the middle-eastern feel of the instrumentation. This whole thing feels like a journey to a pyramid temple.
Thank you so much <3
The synths sound shrilling and desolate in the beginning. The other half sounds even more desolate and apocalyptic. A bit too long, but nice sort of techno/ambient track.
The synths and piano sounds nice together and helps to create this spacious feeling. The drums sound nice even if they feel a little of time.
The synths have a natural uplifting nature to them, which I enjoy. The drop is full of energy with the wall of synths and hard drums. The second drop sounds more chill, but more melodious compared to the first. Mixing could use some more work, but a nice EDM banger still.
The synths sound aggressive and thick with how full they sound. When the drop happens it's full of energy with everything that's going on. Mixing could use a rework, but an aggressive tune nonetheless.
Thank you so much! But did you noticed that it sounded like... ELEPS?