The pulsating synths sound intense and resonant. The cinematic elements are cool with how dynamic they are. Decent orchestral track.
The pulsating synths sound intense and resonant. The cinematic elements are cool with how dynamic they are. Decent orchestral track.
The cutesy sort of bell melody does have a calm and smooth feeling to it that's oddly entrancing. The strings in the background do give the track more of a joyful feel. The track is a bit short, but still a decent little tune.
Thanks! I was trying out new stuff back then.. this kinda worked out, it has its mistakes and sounds kinda "fake" I'd say.
At least it's short.
The synths have a rounded and full sound to them. Vocal samples are decent with how glitchy they are at times. The drops themselves carry a lot of bright energy to them that's neat. Mixing could be improved, but an overall decent track.
The piano melody sounds melancholic and warm. The atmosphere created is quite resonant with how much reverb there is.
The synths have a nice melody to them that's just pure ear candy. The drums have a brisk and natural groove to them. The mix could be stronger with how distinct each sound is, but still a nice retro track.
The drums and percussion on here have a brisk and hyperactive groove to them that's ear grabbing. The melodies have the same feel, but having a more ambient tone to them. Mixing could have been worked on more, but still an enjoyable listen.
The synthetic melodies have an up tempo and energetic sound to them. The EDM drums have a simplistic pattern to them, while could be varied get the job done. Mixing could use improvement, but a decent minimal dance tune in general.
Thanks for review! Actually, I'm not so good at mixing, but I'll try to improve my skills. Maybe.
The bass on this track sound thick and fat and not too grading on the ears. The drums and sporadic percussion have a nice groove to them that's super upbeat. The mixing and mastering is near perfect as well. Nice house tune!!!
Thanks for the feedback!